Of course, we are all in prayer for our friends in the upper part of our country, all the way to Maine after the ravaging Sandy who came ashore with a terrible consequences left in her path last night.  Our TV’s are hung on every bit of information we can learn about the fires, floods and destruction left in the wake of this huge, angry storm that will be a part of history as the biggest storm in our history.  Almost 900 miles huge, she has destroyed many lives and carried out to sea possessions, never to be seen again.  But that is what they are, possessions and can be replaced.  The lives lost, and millions of displaced families are what is on our minds and hearts as we watch in horror what they will be facing in the days to come; for many years to get back on their feet and build their lives once again. 

Our hearts are with you all.  Our prayers are with you and we wish for you strength and courage to take it all one day at a time.