Monthly Archives: December 2012


older person and depression

A reader commented this week and wrote:

…I wish my dad would go on dialysis, but..he is refusing, he just got out of Hospital yesterday after having a heart attack, his kidneys are only 16 percent. i am so worried, I wish he would give it a chance.

I responded: “After all he’s been through, he probably asking himself if it’s worth it. I went through the same and I have friends who have had to answer that too. It might help if you offer him some reasons to stick around and also help him resolve his possible fears and concerns about enduring the treatment.”

Then I got to thinking about this and figured it would be a good topic to write about.  In my posting “Dialysis and Depression“,  l mention  meeting a fellow who was considering not starting dialysis because he was 57 years old and…

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What a wonderful day!  We on dialysis are having a weekend for Christmas and New Years at my clinic.  Of course, the schedule changed to give the techs Christmas Day off, too.  And they certainly deserve it.  They are always working so hard to keep us safe and comfortable during our treatments.  I want to take this opportunity to thank them at FMS Healthcare in Matthews, NC.  You guys are the best!  Hoping this special Day will be joyous and happy for you and your families and friends. 

To all of you, I pray that this is a pleasant and painfree day for you.  Keep your spirits up and never look down.  You are such a special person in this world.  You are unique and worthy in every way.  A Positive Attitude can be formed first thing in the morning during your quiet time, when you realize you have the gift of life again.Image

Prayers for Phil as he prepares to receive a kidney from his hero of a Dad in February. Wishing blessings galore on this family during this time.

our kid needs a kidney

With the date now set, we’ve been trying to find the best way to talk to our kids about the implications – for both of them.

For Phil, obviously, it’s a major operation and he will wake up with about half a dozen tubes and lines sticking out of him. He will be unable to move or eat for several days, and will have most of the tubes removed in that first week without anaesthetic. For the first couple of months, he will have to have blood tests every day, and may have ‘rejection episodes’ which means having painful biopsies done.

His brother Chris, meanwhile, will have to go and live with relatives for a while – at least during the time Phil is in intensive care with mum Anne looking after him 24/7 and whilst I’m in the other hospital.

Not an easy conversation to be having on the…

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This is a very heartwarming blog for me, because meditation is a first thing in the morning thing for me and continuing all day long. Thank you for this. I enjoyed the coffee, too.


wishes you a very Blessed Christmas and a most Happy New Year.  We are all in need of a fresh beginning with a lot of positive thoughts and most of all a fresh Attitude about our lives, no matter how our journey is going.  I am especially drawn to dialysis patients, because I am one.  But there are many other people that I talk with, who are in chronic pain and have just as deadly diseases and conditions. 

My special wish for all who are hurting is that your pain will be eased.  All people on a waiting list for any kind of transplant, you are in my prayers daily. 

I am so delighted with all the people I have met through WordPress and hold you in my heart as well.

My best advice is to keep Hope alive, because without that, we really are lost.  Hope and holding His Hand  through life no matter what the situation is the only way to make it.  I know that myself, because through dialysis I have had no fears or anxiety and especially Stress and life is good.

I got a Christmas Present yesterday from the DPC.  I will be going to Washington DC in March for the World Kidney Day Fly-In.  This is such an honor and privilege to represent all dialysis and transplant recipients around our country.  I pray my back will be healed enough that I can go and am believing that I will be able to go. 

May God Bless all families in Newtown, Connecticut at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. The latest count I have gotten is 27 dead including 18 children. Our country is going crazy. Our eyes should focus on God for our strength and in focusing on Him and not losing sight of the peace He offers and gives will keep us steady during these horrific times. My prayers are for all families in Newtown, especially the children who have just undergone the most traumatic things that I hope they will never have to witness again.